The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

With modern day technology, more and more people are able to work remotely. As with anything, there are pros and cons to working from home. For some people, it’s the perfect fit but for other people, it can be more of a hassle.

Check out these pros and cons to decide if working from home could be right for you:


  • You can wear whatever you want. You don’t even have to get out of your pajamas if you don’t want to. This is one example of how working remote can save you money because you aren’t having to purchase clothing specifically to wear to your workplace.  
  • You can take care of your family. When you work from home, you can still work while taking care of your loved ones. Especially if your work isn’t time sensitive.
  • You’ll save money on gas. Since you’re working from home, there is no commute. The days of getting stuck in traffic are long gone and your commute is an easy walk to your desk.
  • Flexibility. As long as you’re getting the work done and meeting deadlines, it doesn’t really matter when or where you do it.



  • It’s hard to separate your work life from your personal life. When you work from where you live, it can be easy for your two lives to become intertwined. It is easy to become engrossed and work well past quitting time.
  • No face-to-face interaction. This may not matter for some jobs but when you aren’t interacting with people in-person you may miss out on new leads or new information. If you are a social person, working from home may not work for you.
  • You have to be self-motivated. There is no one watching over your shoulder, so you are the only one responsible for making sure you get the work done on time.

Do you work from home? What are your favorite and least favorite things about working from home?

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