News/Current events

Identity theft has been on the rise and continues to be so the more and more we become integrated with the internet. The internet of things is a huge initiative that continues to grow each holiday season with the introduction of new smartphones, smartwatches, smart...

Getting out of debt is certainly easier said than done. When the bills roll in, sometimes it feels impossible to make more than a minimum payment. But with a little hard work, discipline and budgeting, getting out of debt can be easier than you may...

Avoiding overdraft charges may seem like a no-brainer, but when you are making lots of purchases in a small amount of time, money can add up quickly. Overdraft charges frequently occur around Christmas time, when people are shopping for gifts and possibly a little for...

We receive countless emails everyday trying to get our attention. We have to weed through promotional emails, just to get to important emails from our family and friends. Most of us have had our email accounts for a while and since having the accounts, have...


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